You're never going to buy store bought spread again. Skip to the recipe here

Nutella, for most people quickly takes us back to our childhood. For my brother and I (also for mom) was treated as a whole separate food group. As kids, we had it on everything- slathered on biscuits, on toast but mostly, right out of the bottle.
The more I delved into pastry as a career, I realised how filled with sugar and hydrogenated oils this product is, so naturally I began making my own. It. Was. Stunning. Also, very, very simple.

Why you'll love this recipe:
This recipe is naturally vegan and dairy-free.
You usually don't need to add any additional oil to the recipe.
It literally comes together in a matter of minutes.
Also, it's very easy to control the sweetness.
The Equipment
Food Processor
Microwave/Double Boiler (for melting chocolate)
Clean Airtight Jar
So without further delay, please find below the actual recipe.
How to Store:
Store the Gianduja Spread in a clean, airtight container in the fridge. Incase it solidifies, simply warm the same in the microwave before serving.
Homemade Gianduja (Nutella) Spread

The Ingredients
200g Hazelnuts (roasted preferably)
70g Coconut/Brown/Castor Sugar (powdered)
Sea salt, to taste
90g Dark chocolate (melted)
1 tablespoon Coconut oil (optional)
The Directions
Roast the hazelnuts either on a pan on low heat or in a pre-heated oven at 180°C for 9 minutes. Allow to cool slightly.
Melt the chocolate in a microwave or in a (Bain-Marie)
In a food processor, blend the sugar you selected until it reaches powdered consistency, set aside.
Add the cooled hazelnuts to the food processor. Blend until they form a smooth paste.
To the processor, add sea salt, powdered sugar and melted chocolate. Blend until fully incorporated.
Incase the paste isn’t smooth, add ½ tea spoon of coconut oil and continue blending.
Allow to cool. Store in an airtight jar in the fridge.