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No Bake Energy Bites

This is most definitely the fastest (and healthiest) recipe we've ever made!

My family, like most has a major sweet tooth problem. In an effort to be healthier humans (and also because I’m extremely lazy as a person) we started making power balls/energy balls/energy bites at home.

Loaded with nut butter, roasted nuts, oats and all things healthy, this our go-to post-dinner "dessert" and next morning breakfast.

The best part about them? They are ridiculously easy to make and don’t take more than 5 mins. Did I mention that this is a base recipe and you can add (i.e. chocolate)/remove (raisins ew.) whatever you’d like from them? I swear the guilt level into consuming them is minimal.

The ingredients required:

  • Rolled Oats: Because I like the thought that I’m eating our oatmeal and chocolate chunk cookie instead of something SO healthy. If you need to go gluten free, look for a brand that is certified gluten free oats (Yes, that’s a thing).

  • Liquid Sweetener (Honey/Maple Syrup): How can you be completely off sugar? If you want this recipe to be vegan, use maple syrup instead of honey. It actually tastes YUM.

  • Nut Butter: It’s healthy fat ok. Use whichever you’d like, just mix well before use so that the consistency is not too runny/stiff. We make our own almond butter at home which makes it slightly on the runnier side. That’s okay, we just add a bit more rolled oats so that it has some structure.

  • The mix-ins: I LOVEEEEE roasted almond + Dark chocolate + Cinnamon but there’s so much you can do with this recipe! (i.e. White Chocolate + Cranberry, Pistachio + Dark Chocolate, Oatmeal + Raisins, etc.)

Finally, here’s the actual recipe!

Peanut Butter Powerball

The Ingredients

  • 200g rolled oats (we pulsed 3/4th of the oats, the rest was left as is)

  • 100g nut butter

  • 80g honey (or maple syrup according to taste)

  • 100g nuts/seeds of your choice

  • A pinch of Sea Salt

  • Spices to taste (Optional)

  • 50g chocolate of your choice, cut into small pieces

(For any substitutions, you can refer to the section here.)

The Instructions:

  1. Mix together all the above ingredients in a bowl. If the dough is too wet, add a bit more rolled oats, if it’s too dry add some nut butter.

  2. Allow it to chill for 30 minutes in your refridgerator.

  3. Divide the dough (we make them about 25g each, but honestly you can wing it) and roll into balls. Enjoy!

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